
Friday, March 27

This is what you call...

...just about accurate.

19 people bored enough to comment:

Steven said...

IRS = Reason for all problems in world.

Abbey said...

Wow, it doesn't even have a third step - it's that simple!

Daniel L said...


Ben&Brit said...

Heh hehe... No kidding!

Unknown said...

seriously..thats why I'm bankrupt.


Ben&Brit said...

Hey, Happy Birthday, Beth!

Ben&Brit said...

Like have a great day and all... Oh, get yourself lots of presents, too, since no one else probably remembered :-P (Ok, I'll stop being mean.) Happy birthday anyway :-D

Ben&Brit said...

Hey, nice concert! It probably wasn't quite what you wanted to do on your birthday, but I hope you had a good birthday anyway :-)

Well, I saw you for this set of four months... from a distance. :[

And, good job!

Ben&Brit said...

? :-(

No more posts?

Steven said...

What do pirates drive when they go to port?


sarah m said...

Bring on the GNO pics...

Anonymous said...

When a pirate plays golf, what does he get?


Anonymous said...

You're done with your blog, hu?

Ben&Brit said...

Wow... Like you posted something three days ago... I can watch and read it on google reader even though you deleted the post...

Yikes! That means when I post something and then delete it right away (I.E. take a picture of it or something), everyone sees it. NICE...

Glad I didn't post anything embarrassing... I often start out writing something embarrassing, but I don't post it... Good thing :-)

Sarcastic Sally said...

Lol... Yeah, I figured it probably wouldn't actually delete. It was too stupid to not try though. At least it wasn't something bad. :-P

Ben&Brit said...

Why did you delete it? I thought it was funny :-) Ok, ok, so I'm not the only person in the universe.

Ben&Brit said...

Oh, happy 3rd week of being old :-)

MAN! Wow... I really need to get on that... three weeks have already gone by. Yikes! Sorry!

Adsense Money said...

You have a very nice design,can you tell how to build new design for the food, becouse I did not find anything like this on blogspot.

Sarcastic Sally said...


I got this design from www.finalsense.com.
If you want to edit the template, you can find it here.